Carmen Osorio

Carmen Osorio

Triton College student Carmen Osorio of Melrose Park will soon cross the finish line in reaching her goal of earning an associate degree in design and engineering.

“My daughter, as well as Antigone Sharris (chair of Triton College’s Engineering Technology Department) have pushed me to finish my degree,” she said. “I’ve been taking one class at a time, but that hasn’t deterred me. Antigone has been so helpful.”

Osorio immigrated to the United States from Colombia in 2000. After becoming pregnant with her daughter at a young age, Osorio’s priorities changed. The following years were difficult for Osorio, by trying to make ends meet and supporting her family.

When her daughter finally became of age and decided to go to college, she encouraged Osorio to do the same. With a passion and determination to excel, Osorio enrolled in English classes in Triton’s Adult Education Program to help master the English language.

“My daughter told me that it was also my time to go to college,” she said. “And now we will both graduate in May 2025.”

Throughout Osorio’s time at Triton, she feels especially grateful for Sharris, who guided her through her technology classes.

“Carmen is an adult learner,” said Sharris. “Like Carmen, other adult learners can work full time and obtain a degree. We have working adult-friendly schedules that allow these learners to complete coursework at a reasonable pace and in a cost-effective manner.”

Sharris said Osorio’s degree from Triton will add to her resume and empower her for advanced career opportunities and promotions.

“Triton College and Antigone made me feel like I could do it,” Osorio said. “As a student, a light bulb went off and I realized that I was capable.”

Triton College’s Engineering Technology curriculum offers two-degree tracks: Mechanical Designs and Mechatronics (Robotics). There are four stackable certificate programs that contribute to these degrees. Both tracks include courses that develop skills in fundamental and advanced drafting and design, utilizing various 2D and 3D CAD systems and incorporating lean principle. Triton’s state of the art facilities, programs and certificates set students up for success.